March 18, 2020
Dear Parents,
Words cannot express how meaningful your emails have been during this dark time. We feel so encouraged and supported after hearing from you! From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.
Our leadership team has been working on a plan to reopen IvyCrest as soon as possible, as we do understand the inconvenience our school being closed has caused each family.
Per the current ordinance issued by the Emergency Operations Center, private elementary schools are not allowed to hold classes and therefore we will be offering remote learning for our children in Rooms 10/11. Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, and children up to Kindergarten (children in Rooms 1 - 9) may continue classes while following very strict guidelines. Emergency Operations Center Ordinance
Per the CDC, we are in a minimally infected/exposed area and therefore their recommendation is to remain closed to quarantine for 2 - 4 weeks. Therefore, we are still planning on re-opening on April 6th as originally planned. For the week of April 6 - 10, we will be asking ALL FAMILIES to bring school lunch and snacks for their child. Due to large quantities of food being scarce, we cannot foresee being able to serve school lunch to our students with certainty.
If the current ordinance issued by the Emergency Operations Center should be extended, our children in Rooms 1 - 9 will not be affected and can plan to continue to come to school as scheduled on April 6. We will however, continue our modified drop off/pick up procedures throughout the month of April. Unfortunately, if the continuance is issued, it will mean that we need to continue our remote learning for those students in Rooms 10/11, until the ordinance is lifted. We anticipate learning this information on or before March 31, however, the situation is rapidly evolving so please bear with us.
Many of you have inquired about how to pay tuition for April. We are currently working on adjustments to pro-rate school lunch (3/17 - 4/9) and School of the Arts (3/17 - 4/3) as well as Recess Care (if you had previously signed up). Once adjusted, the credits will be reflected on your ledger. You are welcome to drop off a check anytime between 8am - 5pm, tomorrow, March 19, or, you are welcome to mail your check or use Bill Pay through your bank. The school will be closed from March 20 - March 29 for Spring Break as previously noted.
We are looking forward to returning to as much normalcy as possible in the weeks to come. Thank you for continuing your child’s educational journey with us. Your children’s teachers are looking forward to their debut on ClassDojo soon!
Stay safe and healthy,
The IvyCrest Board of Directors